Checklists / Free Tools

I have created a few checklists and other reference diagrams for use by my peers and clients, here are a few I am starting with to post.  I will added more in the near future.  If you have suggest changes or positive stories about their use, let me know.

Protective Industry Compliance Transparency Attestation

Blank Executive Protection / Guard / Event Security Provider Compliance Transparency Form

Security Audit Scope Development Tool – Beta – Tableau

Latest release of Security Audit / Assessment Scope Development Tool by Jim McConnell

Security Audit Scope Development Tool v5.0 – PowerBI Version

Latest release of Security Audit / Assessment Scope Development Tool by Jim McConnell

Church Security Self-Assessment Tool

Simple self assessment a church can use to BASELINE where they are with their security, safety, and medical program at their church.

Jeep with first responder gear containing gear for security, safety, and medical response

Go Bag Checklist

This is a simple set of ideas for (Family) Go Bags, not meant to perfect, just a perspective that I provide during my Go Bag Classes Gear Shopping List

After Action Report

An example (Personal) After Action Report/Questionnaire for use after an executive protection event, disaster response event, or other security incident

Table Top Exercise (TTX) Inject Questionnaire

Basic initial participant scoping questionaire for planning a good security Table Top Exercise

Guns and Houses of Worship Decision Criteria Tool

This is a SAMPLE of the criteria a House of Worship should consider when setting policies around Guns (and other weapons) and the
organization’s path forward in this sensitive policy discussion.

Traveler Information Security Considerations

An initial set of information security considerations for travelers, particularly personnel/executives with access to sensitive information or potentially targeted.

M&A Due Diligence Seller Self Assessment – “Fast Food” Edition

Simple “Fast Food” Self Assessment used by Private Equity, Venture Capitalist, Investment Bankers, BizDev, DMO, for quick assessment of a Seller’s converged security governance

Global Sourcing/Outsourcing Evaluation Tool

A simple table to evaluate various elements of when and where to start, evaluate, or stop Global Sourcing / Global Outsourcing / Offshoring

Executive Protection Tech Stack

A mindmap of what an individual or organization might consider in their “Tech Stack” if managing an EP Program

HR Recruiter / Job Seeker Fraud / Scam Reference Tool

Quick reference of incidators of fraud and scams and solutions I teach on during my class on the same topic.