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Have you said / heard these? If so, we believe we can help!!
- Jim, I don’t talk about it a lot, but I am losing sleep, stressed about one or more parts of my security program
- Jim, I have this new idea for improving our security program but don’t know where to start or how to manage it.
- Jim, Can you just come out and walk our property and buildings, I think we are just blind to our own work
- Do we need to address Insider Threat better?
- Is our security metrics as mature I or my boss wants them?
- Is our Physical Security program too standards based and less vulnerability based?
- Our Supply Chain Security hasn’t gotten to more then contract terms
- We believe we have a great security product / service but we just can’t seem to get a seat at the table with our market
- We can’t crack the industry / government information sharing veil
- Our Executive Protection Program is tactically awesome but program management isn’t happening
- We doing some analytics, but seems like we are just collecting data
- Have we lost our focus on information security for the sake of cyber security
- Security ownership is just all over the place
- The business won’t invite us to the table
- Our training is not structured and seems like we are training without any ROI
- Fraud isn’t seen as a security issue and doesn’t have a comprehensive plan
- My church isn’t where we feel safe
- My community group would like to learn more about security, safety, Go Bags
- I have a event coming up but need a security leader as we don’t have the expertise
- Our employees and contractors aren’t getting security awareness when we onboard them
- Our security “Voice” to the business is all over the place
- Too many standards and regulations, is there a way to simplify their implementation in my world
- We haven’t had an independent kinetic aka physical security penetration test (in a long time), we need help
- We are planning on some training, but we want/need some more realism using operationally experienced “actors”
- Something else? “Ask McConnell”