Security Books

Security books’ availability is much more robust with the search availability of Amazon and eBook options. Jim McConnell’s first of his series of security books is focused on Security Metrics with future plans on Supply Chain Security, Getting a Seat the Table, Executive Protection Program Management, and Honor.

Converged Security Metrics

Available Now

Security is important to all of us individually and in society so that we feel safe to enjoy our freedoms. Security should be important to every organization, whether a solo entrepreneur to a non-profit to a church to a Fortune 500 to a government agency. Measuring the operational and maturity of a security function has always been difficult. There are many great resources on HOW to establish a metrics program and many solutions for collecting and analyzing events/statistics from a wide variety of security functions. Jim felt the need for some solutions for all of the industry regardless of organization type or size, or country. Converged Security Metrics book goal is to provide a yearly, ever-maturing set of Top 25 security metrics for the widest variety of security functions (physical security, cyber security, personnel security, fraud, law enforcement, executive protection, etc.).

Book Reviews

“I sure do recommend Jim’s book “Converged Security Metrics.” The approach he took makes this a tool for any kind of industry or application. He makes a compelling case that incremental, seemingly small, improvements in protecting resources (whether people, financial, data, physical property) can have a big impact in the long run. As stewards of the resources to which God has entrusted us, we may often get overwhelmed by not being able to secure all risks, but this book leaves me motivated instead of discouraged.

One final point, it’s not a one and done read. It’s on my side table and I pick it up from time to time to read through one of the quick chapters, most recently “Fraud Management,”
